These images are stills from an animation of rotating girih polyhedra. The two polyhedra shown here are a dodecahedron and a heptakaidecahedron. Both of these include faces that are from the
girih tile set. The heptakaidecahedron is a seventeen sided geometric solid with two girih tile pentagonal faces, five girih tile elongated hexagon faces, and ten isosceles triangles. The triangles are not original girih tiles. The dodecahedron is a platonic solid, with twelve sides of regular pentagons. The girih tile faces can be decorated with girih lines to create a three dimensional girih pattern.
In one important sense applying girih patterns to polyhedra defeats the purpose of the girih pattern system. That is, girih tiles are designed so that the interior decoration lines continue across boundaries, tangentially. When the lines cross boundaries that are not in the same plane, the continuity is interrupted.
Dodecahedron with Girih Pattern
Dodecahedron Wireframe Girih Pattern
Heptakaidecahedron with Girih Pattern
Heptakaidecahedron Wireframe Girih Pattern